Θέλετε να γνωρίσετε τη διαφορετική πλευρά των αγαπημένων σας καλλιτεχνών; Μπορείτε να ακολουθήσετε το λογαριασμό @music στο Instagram, ένα ολόφρεσκο κανάλι που μόλις εγκαινίασε η δημοφιλής εφαρμογή.
Μη φανταστείτε ότι θα αρχίσει το Instagram να παίζει ξαφνικά μουσική. Όχι, είναι και παραμένει μια εφαρμογή που βασίζεται στη φωτογραφία. Και αυτή θα χρησιμοποιήσει ως μέσο για να μας μυήσει όχι τόσο στον κόσμο της μουσικής, όσο τον κόσμο των καλλιτεχνών και των φίλων της.
Έφτιαξε λογαριασμό στο Instagram o Beckham και ασφαλώς το γονάτισε!
Today we’re launching our first Monthly Hashtag Project on @music, a series featuring challenges with designated themes and hashtags. This month’s challenge is #MHPlive. The goal is to make creative images of a live musical performance. Our project takes inspiration from Sacha Lecca (@sachalecca), Deputy Photo Editor at “Rolling Stone.” Lecca learned to shoot and print black-and-white film at a young age from his father, a former member of a Romanian rock band. Although Lecca’s profession allows him to spend time with musicians offstage, the goal of this project is to make interesting pictures of a live show without special access. “Since we live in an age where we communicate more and more with images, it’s hard to imagine being anywhere without someone taking photos. The challenge is to come up with something really great and unique out of a situation where you have many other photographers right along side you shooting the very same thing.” Lecca’s tips: “Arrive early. This might sound obvious but it’s a best practice if you want to be closer to the artist. Keep your attention on the band during the quiet, in-between moments. There might be a gesture or an exchange between the band of some kind that may make for a unique shot. Don’t just shoot the performance … it could be fans arriving or in line outside, it could be the empty venue after the show.” PROJECT RULES: Please add the #MHPlive hashtag only to photos and videos taken this month and only submit your own. If you include music in your video submissions, please only use music to which you own the rights. Any tagged image or video taken this month is eligible to be featured. Finally, please respect an artist’s wishes if they ask not to be photographed or recorded. For more inspiration, check out blog.instagram.com. Featured photo by @sachalecca
Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Instagram @music (@music) στις Μάι 1, 2015, 6:42πμ PDT
Κάθε μέρα θα υπάρχουν όμορφες φωτογραφίες, συνοδευόμενες από μικρές ιστορίες. Τα πρώτα posts μας μιλούν για το stage fright που βίωνε σαν DJ ο Questlove, ντράμερ των Roots , για το ιαπωνικό θηλυκό ροκ τρίο Tricot και για τα συνεχή ταξίδια του Ed Droste των Grizzly Bear . Συντονιστείτε.
No Brain (@officialnobrain) helped kick-start the South Korean punk movement in the late 90s, establishing a measure of fame with songs about women, booze and general rabble-rousing. Still, it hasn’t been easy. “The rock scene in Korea sucks,” the band’s drummer, Hyunsung “Dolly” Hwang, says. In the United States, Korean pop acts are finding increasing fame, but Korean rock bands are barely making a blip. For No Brain, who like to share their musical, often shirtless adventures with their fans, that may change soon, as the group is set to unleash its first English-language EP. Even when singing in their native language, the band’s infectious energy and self-deprecation have already won over American fans. “The Korean audience, they’re ready to party,” says Dolly. “They party like it’s the last day of the Earth … The American audiences like to buy us drinks after the show, where in Korea, they get drunk themselves.” –– Dan Reilly for Instagram @music Photo by @officialnobrain
Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Instagram @music (@music) στις Μάι 3, 2015, 6:27πμ PDT
Πηγή .
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